For the Called Are Many and the Chosen Are Few July 25, 2021 Pastor David Besse Assurance of Faith, Election, God's Glory, The Kingdom of God Matthew Matthew 22:1-14
Heaven Has a Dress Code July 18, 2021 Pastor David Besse Election, God, God's Glory, Judgment, Justification, The Kingdom of God Matthew Matthew 22:1-14
Christ, Our Victor March 14, 2021 Pastor Brett Barkley Satan, The Kingdom of God, The Work of Christ Luke Luke 23:44-49
Hasn’t Christianity Done More Harm than Good? November 15, 2020 Pastor Brett Barkley Evangelism & Missions, Persecution, The Kingdom of God Luke Luke 22:35-53
Whose Jesus? August 16, 2020 Intern Aaron Chizmar Jesus Christ, Religion, Salvation, The Kingdom of God Luke Luke 20:41-44
The Things That Make for Peace July 12, 2020 Pastor Brett Barkley God's Glory, Grace, Hope, Jesus Christ, The Kingdom of God, The Work of Christ Luke Luke 19:28-44
The Returning King July 5, 2020 Intern Aaron Chizmar Ascension, Judgment, Justification, The Christian Life, The Kingdom of God, The Work of Christ Luke Luke 19:11-27
The Coming Kingdom May 10, 2020 Pastor Brett Barkley Eschatology (End Times), The Kingdom of God Luke 17:20-37