The Messiah at Age 12 January 15, 2017 Pastor Brett Barkley The Person of Christ, The Work of Christ Luke Luke 2:41-52
The Person & Work of the Holy Spirit (4) January 15, 2017 Pastor Brett Barkley Cessationism, Holy Spirit, Spiritual Gifts The Person & Work of the Holy Spirit (4)
Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus January 8, 2017 Pastor Brett Barkley Hell, Judgment, Salvation Luke Luke 2:22-40
Gloria In Excelsis Deo January 1, 2017 Pastor Brett Barkley Christian Hedonism, Evangelism & Missions, Joy, Worship Luke Luke 2:8-11
A Humble Beginning December 25, 2016 Pastor Brett Barkley The Person of Christ, The Work of Christ Luke Luke 2:1-7
Christmas: A Celebration of Self-Forgetfulness December 24, 2016 Pastor Brett Barkley Christian Hedonism, Humility, Joy Luke Luke 1:57-80
Mary’s Magnificent God December 11, 2016 Pastor Brett Barkley Christian Hedonism, God, Joy Luke Luke 1:39-56
The Person & Work of the Holy Spirit (3) December 11, 2016 Pastor Brett Barkley Continuationism, Holy Spirit, Spiritual Gifts The Person & Work of the Holy Spirit (3)