A Meal with Jesus (Part 2) June 2, 2019 Pastor Brett Barkley Humility, Love of Others, Pride Luke Luke 14:7-14
Staying Rooted in Jesus May 26, 2019 Pastor Brett Barkley Backsliding, Faith, Love of Others, Unbelief Colossians Colossians 2
A Meal with Jesus (Part 1) May 19, 2019 Pastor Brett Barkley Grace, The Work of Christ, Unbelief Luke Luke 14:1-6
Close Isn’t Close Enough May 12, 2019 Pastor Brett Barkley Salvation, Unbelief, Union with Christ Luke Luke 13:22-35
The Tyranny of Religion May 5, 2019 Pastor Brett Barkley Healing, Jesus Christ, Unbelief Luke Luke 13:10-21