Spreading the Gospel
of the Glory of Christ
for the Joy of All Peoples in Him

Who We Are

Our Identity
More important than our history, our denomination, or anything else is our identity as Christians. We’re not perfect people.  We’re sinners. But as Christians, we’re redeemed sinners.  We are forgiven and reconciled with God because our identity is found in Jesus Christ.  By faith, we are so united to Him, that when God sees us, He sees the manifold perfections of His own divine Son. God accepts Christ’s perfect life as our life. He accepts Christ’s death for sin as our death. And He accepts Christ’s resurrection life as our new life in Him. What makes us who we are and unites us as a church is the unbreakable union we enjoy with our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Our Historychurch
Our history dates back to the founding of Holmes County in 1825 and Winesburg, Ohio in 1827.  In order to spread the good news of Jesus Christ and to serve the predominately German Christians living in the growing area, Zion Reformed Church was established on September 9, 1832 (then called the Evangelical United Zion Congregation).  Today, we still gather for worship in the same building that was completed in 1871.  And while Zion has undergone many transitions over the ebb and flow of our history, we continue to celebrate the same Gospel of Grace that we did at our founding over 180 years ago.

Our Denomination
The term ‘denomination’ simply refers to a classification of something. When applied to churches, it refers to a church’s distinctive beliefs and practices shared by other like-minded churches. Every church has those distinctive beliefs and practices.  As part of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), we have three central distinctives.  We endeavor to be “Faithful to the Scriptures, True to the Reformed Faith, and Obedient to the Great Commission.”

First, the PCA believes that the Scriptures are not merely a witness to God’s Word, but are the very words of God Himself. As such, the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments are entirely true and without error, wholly sufficient, and supremely authoritative in all matters of faith and life.

Second, the PCA’s commitment to the Reformed Faith means that our beliefs align with the biblical truths proclaimed during the Protestant Reformation, which in turn are rooted in the historic creeds of the Christian church. This Faith rests upon the Bible as our all-sufficient guide for faith and life, trusts in God’s all-sufficient grace for salvation, and treasures Jesus Christ as our all-sufficient, all-satisfying Savior.

Third, the PCA is a church committed to the ‘Great Commission.’  That is, we are committed to “glorifying God by extending the kingdom of Jesus Christ over all individual lives through all areas of society and in all nations and cultures.” To accomplish this end, the PCA is endeavors to “fill the world with churches that are continually growing in vital worship, in theological depth, in true fellowship, in assertive evangelism and in deeds of compassion.”

What We Believe
A Brief History of the PCA

Our Leadership
As a Presbyterian Church, Zion Reformed is led by elders and deacons.  Elders are pastors who oversee the spiritual well-being of the church with the assistance of deacons who serve the many practical needs of the congregation.  We are greatly blessed with faithful, Christ-centered leaders at Zion:

Brett Barkley

Brett Barkley was born and raised in North Carolina where he studied philosophy and religion at North Carolina State University.  It was there he met his wife Katie whom he married in 2005.  After college, Brett studied at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY where he earned his Master of Divinity.  He served…